Price: $8.00 CAD
JULY 2024
ISBN: 978-1-7776264-1-9
Digital File
First Canadian edition, paperback: May 2021
First edition, paperback: November 2013
Praise for Memória:
“This first anthology of Portuguese Canadian writers serves as a superb introduction that cogently illustrates the emerging presence of Portuguese literary voices within the Canadian landscape. Embedded in its cultural meaning system, it provides a background upon which the scope of the texts can be located. In fact, the poetic and narrative texts, central to the fabric woven throughout this volume, involve not only the exploration of narrative memory and identity, but also paint a vibrant picture of the Portuguese diasporic world in which these writers live.”
~Professor Irene Maria F. Blayer
“This ground-breaking collection of literary work by Portuguese Canadians is a joy to read. Fernanda Viveiros and her editorial team have done a wonderful job of selecting and editing a wide range of talented writers and their works. Each author shares his or her thoughts, feelings and memories in touching and affecting styles which include poetry, short stories, memoir and drama. Many of the pieces have a clear Portuguese identity, while others less so. We can relate to much of the sentiment, whatever our background, and we can enjoy the quirks and curiosities of the Portuguese cultures found in Canada and back in the motherland.”
~Lise Watson, Toronto World Arts Scene
“This anthology is the first of its kind, and, for the moment at least, unique, though its uniqueness, I predict (and hope), will not last long. Editorially, it is also a canny book, for it offers glimpses and tastes of excellent writing, with no risk of surfeit. There is just enough here to make one wish for more. The book meriting these observations is Memória, conceived and ably edited by Fernanda Viveiros, with an informative foreword by Onésimo T. Almeida on the characteristics of Portuguese communities throughout North America. The book bears a descriptive subtitle: “An Anthology of Portuguese Canadian Writers.” Notice that the subtitle omits what many may consider to be an obligatory hyphen between “Portuguese” and “Canadian,” for this omission, seemingly slight, makes a large point. What it says is that Memória is a collection of Canadian writing by Canadian writers who happen to be of Portuguese ethnicity and descent. From first page to last Memória is a source of pleasure, offering keys into what has been a largely undiscerned body of literature.”
~ Professor Emeritus George Monteiro